Some sand sort of sprayed into the side of my face. I was like, damn, what was that? And then I heard the burst
In the series finale of The Line of Fire, Ramita interviews Sebastian Junger, the number one New York Times bestselling author, multi award-winning journalist and Oscar-nominated documentary maker.
Sebastian explains how he was inspired to become a journalist while researching dangerous jobs, and what drew him to conflict reporting.

Our lonely society makes it hard to come home from war | Sebastian Junger

Why Veterans Miss War, Ted Talks
Civilians don't miss war. But soldiers often do. Journalist Sebastian Junger shares his experience embedded with American soldiers at Restrepo, an outpost in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley that saw heavy combat. Giving a look at the "altered state of mind" that comes with war, he shows how combat gives soldiers an intense experience of connection. In the end, could it actually be "the opposite of war" that soldiers miss?

On Fourth of July, celebrate heroes who fight for others

War in Afghanistan, WGBH Forum

Leadership in a War Zone, Carnegie Council
Sebastian discusses his time in Afghanistan and describes the way effective leadership is manifested in a war zone and the complicated chess-like aspects of combat.

Ethics of Pacifism, Carnegie Council
Sebastian Junger says that society needs to grapple with the question "when is the amoral choice not using force?"